As a museum dedicated to Entertaining, Inspiring and Educating, we believe every HOUSECAT needs recognition. To that end we have created MiMi's MEOWseum ToeBeans Pawtnership.
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Meet HennesseyHennessey, nicknamed Henny, is an active member of KittyMatch.Com. Despite being 5 pounds overweight per his vet, he is very popular with the feline ladies. Here are his profile pictures. As you can see, he is PAWSitively charming and very handsome. He has a PURRfectly big fupa. He was found in the parking lot of an apartment complex in Dayton, Ohio near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. After realizing the owner abandoned him, he was brought home to NC. Henny is now 5 years old. |
Meet ShadowThe day Shadow came into Annmary's life was a great meow-ment. She adopted Shadow as a kitten of eight weeks from a friend. Like all cats Shadow loves to play and is the boss of her house. She is now eight years old and everyday has brought smiles and joy to her furrever family. Shadow resides in New Jersey.
Meet SamsonSamson is a sweet and loving cat, with a lot to love at 21#!! He has an unexpectedly sweet quiet voice when interacting, and a persistent stare when not receiving proper attention.. Sammy loves to filla lap when working on the computer or on zoom meetings. He typically follows from room to room in the house in order to snuggle. He is a great hugger! He gives chest cuddles, two arm neck hugs while purring in ears! He snuggles at night and has become quite jealous of interactions with a new cat in the home, making it clear that HE is Top Cat! Samson gets in trouble by shredding up paper, mail etc left on the floor, plus he likes to "dumpster dive" into wastepaper baskets at night, removing any foil papers on which to chew, at 3 am...He LOVES his CatAmazing treat box and requests it to be "filled" prior to breakfast each morning, then spends 30-45 minutes retrieving the treat! |